Friday, October 10, 2008

post tattoo....

post tattoo-ing we had a celebratory dinner at Gita's restuarant- she does a buffet of everything you can imagine for about 4 us dollars....the restaurant is amazing- ouside we sat in a gazebo with coushins and white table cloths and candles....we ate until in food comas- meg was delirious- she was so happy for the post that was holding her up from behind that she was rubbing it and saying she knew who she was taking home tonight...hahaha:)

we went home to play 500 ( where it is noteworthy that team G Unit ( aka me and meg) beat jon and tim twice- in absolute BLOW OUTS! they didnt get one call.....uhhhh mazing!)

before our game, TIm was inspired by the tattoo artist and deicided to give meg a Tattoo by are the comparisons:)

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