Sunday, December 21, 2008

back to civilization

well back to singapore- and whilst i do enjoy blow drying my hair with air conditioning, which prevents the necessity of yet another shower after drying my hair- i again find myself sleeping on a mattress on the floor! haha how did it come to this? i am supposed to come home to luxury and proper bedding! ;) well this year our apartment is smaller, but really nice, so al and i are sharing my dad's office so we have a mattress on the floor that covers the entire area of space, so our suitcases are loaded up onto desks. during the day we push the matress up on its side- i imagine this would be like what living in new york would be like!

being home is always really nice and although the first night i thought i was going to go insane because i was missing bali so much, i realized that nothing will be different when i go back and it will all be ready and waiting....well the people will change as they always do but everything else will still be there!

i have been thinking a lot too about how fast this year has gone for me. the last couple of days have brought some hard news to several different people i know and love and i have to say that come the holidays i already am feeling sentimental, but when things like this happen, it makes me even more refelctive. things can change in an instant- sometimes you can be the one to change your own life and other times it changes without your control. for me, i had a little of both this past year and i have to say that i got through some of the hardest times , personally, and i thank myself every single day for making those changes because i can feel it radiating through me. its an awe insipring thing to feel positively sure that you made the right decision, especially when it came down to such difficult measures. but as i think back on the things i went through this year i can truly agree that wont kill you makes you stronger. its been a really weird one for me, but one that has shown me that life is what you make of it and everyday i am appreciative of the gifts i have been given, as well as the opporunities that i being presented. i am incredibly thankful to have the amazing family that i do- i have seen some things this year that make me realize how important family is, and i feel lucky to be blessed with a close relationship to everyone in my own and to know that no matter how hard you fall, family can always help you get back up again.

my new years resolution this year is simply going to be that i enjoy every day as it is- that i take advantage of ooportunities, take chances, and never forget to stop and just appreciate. because you never know when something will change your life, whether its by your hand or that of fate, and in the meantime all we can do is try to be humbled by every day that goes by that we are still here. i know its sounds super cheesy and pretty typical, but i have never been one for resolutoins because i always pick something unrealizitic and get bored with trying. but i feel like this is just going to be part of my life now, and that i wake up everyday and think that im living a dream of sorts- my dream- and i want to realize and be thankful for that every day. a year ago i would dream about one day what it i just picked up and left- moved to bali. started over. i never thought that within months things would start to move in that direction . i have incredible friends and an amazing family to thank for helping me through this year and i can only hope that next year brings as much fortune to as all:)

Thursday, December 18, 2008

monkey bites....

some inquiring minds asked about the monkey bite reference. i think i forgot to mention it on here, because, well it took me a few days and a little asking around to fully comprehend what happened...

so my friend shanti shows up one night and he has like this massive cut thing on his face and im like whoa what happened, surfing accident? and he is like ahh no i got bit by the monkey. yeah he says 'the monkey' like it should be so obvious which one he is talking about!!

that particular night he was drunk out of his mind and having a conversation with him wa like trying to tame an elephant on speed- he was too busy crashing all over the place and bumbling around so i had to ask around for fo from his friends. turns out he was indeed bit in the face by monkey- the monkey who apparently is on a chain around the back side of bounty ( a huge nightclub shaped like a boat that we affectionately refer to as 'the grossest bar in bali' . bounty is full of 18 year olds without shirts on, the loudest and most obnoxious aussies ( i know, how do you classify any one of them as 'louder and more obnoxious' then the other?) plus there is an abundance of ho hos and its so stifllingly hot that its kinda hard to breathe. so yeah not suprised to find out that i had no idea that ther was a captvie monkey round the back and that for some reason my friend thought it wise to play with it...or something. that part of the story no ones seems to remember- as in why they were in the back and why they were involved in an altercation with a monkey.

miraculously his bite cleared up pretty quickly. hope he had a rabies shot. although that could explain that light foaming at the mouth i noticed the other night and just assumed he was spilling jungle juice out his mouth.....or perhaps could explain his temoporary insanity on tuesday where he called me 'chloe' for a good few hours. not only is that not my name, but its the name of this other gilr we knew, one he has a crush on....when i finally asked him why he was calling me that he looked really painfully confused before realizing his mistake. he was like i have no idea why im calling you that. yeah. there are some really fun people in bali:)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

again with the complaints!

so once again i have been hearing the 'all i write about is partying' thing- just to clarify... i only write about things that i find funny or interesting, that other people also might find funny or interesting. now in the early days of this blog, i was immersing myself into an entirely different world, therefore everyday was filled with new and different things and i was eager to write about them. however, much like things become in every ones 'daily' life, my activiites are no longer so interesting, therefore i do not write about them!

if any of you had a blog, i doubt i would read about what cereal you had for breakfast and then how long the traffic held you up on your way to work! i mean i love you all, but its just not that interesting! so in attempt to forever hush the quiet complainers, i will give you an example of what i did today and why i would under regualar circumstances, choose not to write about it:

this morning i slept until 11. i did that becuase i took niquil last night as i was anticipating being a little bothered by this tickling cough in my throat- nothing seirous im sure, just the usual aftermath from four nights of partying. i really wanted to sleep deeply so i popped the pills and fell asleep in my bed watching re-runs of THE O.C. yeah the one that was on like five years ago. my CD drive is not working on my computer so i can only watch files that are on my media player, which happen to be about 15 episodes of the The O.C. ( season one) and mean girls.

after waking at eleven and packing up some stuff i headed out to grab some food on my way to do some chrsitams shopping. on the menu i saw 'cheese on toast' so i ordered that, but asked them to add tomato to it. all seemed fine. then he comes back; did i want tomato sauce on it? or tomato slices? slices i say.... then he comes back.... did i want cheese on it? uh yeah i say....then he comes back. did i want the cheese melted? omg yes i say. five minutes later i am presented with my two piecces of sliced bread , what can only be described as 'cheese dribbles' on it, and about ten slices of tomato on the side. pretty close i would say! i will always be confused however, as to how the cheese melts, but the bread doesnt toast. hmmmm

on my way to chrsitams shop- spent most of the day dodging horrific traffic and coughing up exhaust fumes but managed to get a lot done, loading bag after bag onto my bike, feeling like mom when she goes to the aiport ( also known as a pack mule) . after deciding i felt sufficiently ripped off for the day i decided to drop everything at home and go tot he beach. these are in opposite directions mind you, so back on my bike for like another 40 mins. i finally get to the beach and dont even get off my bike. the winds have changed directions here and so the beaches that we normally go to are now covered in trash and moss and seaweed and smell like dead fish. the one i went to today in particular smelled awful and was also covered in rocks ( not normally so?!) so i rode all the way back home to take a swim in the pool instead. on the way home i got lost in umalas ( on the bright side found a riding stable!) and had a minor breakdown on the phone ( while on the side of the road on my bike) while talking to shar regarding the imminent frustration that has been the sale of my car. its just absurd how quickly things can affect me- like here i really feel i have cooled off, learned to let things roll off my bike more and have had people point out how much more relaxed i am. but the second something from my 'old life' comes up and threatens the balance i just feel that old anxiety build up again and i get overwhelmed with frustration. so mini breakdown.

mini breakdwn really ruined the rest of my afternoon- by the time i got home the sun was gone and it was too chilly in the pool so in stead i decided to beat out the incoming rain and go to the internet cafe and wallow in my own crappy feelings! ive had an ice milo and i feel better:)

dont know what the evening will bring but my guess will be a cup of tea and a few more epsiodes of the OC before i pop some more niquil. see guys- wasnt that painful ? arent the stories about monkey bites to the face and pink eye infections much more exciting? i hope this has done its job....

Friday, December 12, 2008

oh yeah

and someone dropped a full beer bottle on my toe last night and im pretty sure its broken plus i have lost my voice. so i have blood shot pus filled eyes, a limp and a hoarse raspy voice. dead sexy i am.

Test: Do Eye Infections have a negative impact on your night?

result- no!!! so turns out i have pink eye. yeah that is what i get for grieving that nothing interesting was happening in my life. yeah two re puuffy eyes ! actually , my eye was read a coupl weeks ago and jon graciously and oh so helpfully pointed out that pink eye comes from getting feces in the eye and maybe i slept on a pillow that someone kept in between their legs and farted on and that is how i got pink eye. but turns out it was just red- but then two days ago....

melissa and i had a last minute rager on wednesday night and as a result we wanted to do nothing more then go to pleo for massages. we devised a new 'packet' - half hour foot massage and half hour head neck and shoulder massage. i wont suggest this in the ftuure, if you have the woman i did. it was the worst massage of my life, to be frank, and i literally found myself itching to just kick her off me . talk about not being relaxed, if anything it built the angst up to a furious level becuase i was having an inner battle with myself- like if it is bad, i should say something, but no, maybe it was better, maybe soon she would flip me over and change her movement, no i should say something, no i shouldnt. back and forth raising my anziety level to a new limit. so finally i just say ENOUGH and she doesnt stop!! it was like you know when someone touches you continuously in one place it starts to get really annoying and it doesnt hurt or anything but you just need it to stop LIKE NOW. that is how it was.

so about half way through the massage ( of which she never at any point even had me flip over) i started to notice my eye watering a lot and starting to feel swollen. i am not accustomed to laying face down for that long so i thought maybe it was just pressure building up in my head. but it started to get really uncomfortable and felt inceredibly swollen. when it was over FINALLY i sat up and my eye was throbbing and red and swollen out to rival my chest!! amongst the staffs concern i kept the freak out to a minimum, but mel and i went straight to the pharmacy. the way it works here is you walk in, tell them what is wrong with you and they go in the back and pull out something and tell you waht to do. no they are not doctors.... i know.

at least the instructions, etc were also in english! so we go home and put in the drops and let the swelling go down until about normal. actually wait, my timeline is off, that is the night we went out? crap i am yeah i guess we went out that night- eye and all! the next morning i woke up in a horrified state- aka my eye wouldnt open. so mel (bless her) leaves work to take me to the hospital. we went to the international one- was actualyl realyl quite nice- the doctor was very nice and of course diagnosed me with conjunctivits. pink eye. ( mel and i have decided that this term really freaks us out so we are only refering to is as 'eye infection of the undetermined kind' . so then she proceeds to tell me that im starting to get it in my other eye too. great. so 60 dollars and some medication later we are back on the road. for some crazy reason we decided that we were up for going to carrefour. insane.

back at the casa.....eyes have taken a turn for the worse. i am in so much pain, lying there immobile holding compresses up to my eyes, putting in drops, rubbing a gold ring around them ( a suggestion of lindas friend?!) i was a miserable sack of life yesterday. it was horrible. i started to cry at one point , overwhelmed by the uncomfortable-ness(such a baby) but mel snapped me into shape. thanks mel:) not before calling me quasimoto and trying to get me to dress up in the brown colored rain pancho and shoving a pillow in my shoulder to make a hump. yeah we would have done it but linda had freinds over and i dont know if they would have 'got it'

so i realize in the late afternoon that dirk is coming to town and i pretty much like bullied him into doing it and as yet, he had not actually confirmed his flight. but just as i think i am in the clear and can hole up in the house all night he calls!! soooo yeah i sucked it up, showered and pulled a hat low over my eyes, loaded up on visine and eye drops, donned my rain poncho and headed into kuta. he assured me we would just go for a few beers at a 'dark bar where no one will stare and those who do you will not care about' and he was right!! i didnt eat much yesterday and am thinking maybe the antibiotic drops made me accelearte from sober to drunk in like two beers. so yeah as you can well imagine last night turned into an all night rager yet again!! i just told people i was really high;) to be honest i dont even think most people noticed. and if you are wondering if guys still hit on you in kuta if you have two pink pussy eyes the answer is yes. seriously? i think i got hit on more last night then any other night out and i was scrubbed out and aporting blisters for eyes. incredible this place. people could care less! haha

and in true karmic form melissa awoke this morning with pink eye. aside from calling me quasi she actually really really helped me yesterday so i feel HORRIBLE!! sorry stanger:)

today we are looking better- not 100 percent- but better!

Monday, December 8, 2008

heat and mosquitos

shows how interesting my last few days were- i havent had anything even remotely interesting to write about! well not exactly true i suppose...just havent really 'felt' like writing anything i guess! trying to figure some stuff out- have to start making some decisions ( barf) about what im going to do when i get back here...cant live on what im making right now for much longer! especially with all the trips and stuff really enjoying working on my own schedule, doing writing, not being part of office politics and drama and it has had a consuiderable effect on my stress and anxiety level...akak i am not nearly as worked up all the time! so im a little relucatant to take anything on that may bring back what i found were quite poisoning attitudes.

other then that- we have moved into our new house which is exciting i suppose! its really nice- a real house in fact- with great furniture and things all already set up. my room is a little scant- i dont really have what i need just yet- need some fyrniture and places to put 'things' but im reluctant to spend a load of money when im leaving again in like less then two weeks or something so im probably just going to continue living out of my suitcase as has ben the case for going on three months!! ahhh! i want to feel settled b ut its hard when everything is constantly changing and things are not really ever permanant. but i guess that is what this life is right now i will try to embrace that !

i do have to say- after a few really rough nights of sleep im really kinda over the supoer hot nights and the mosquitos feeding their entire families off my blood....but ill just think about the beach and the massages and feel better;)

i had to charge my camera but i will take pics of the place when i get home and put them up!

Friday, December 5, 2008

champagne and strangers- WAIT i know you!

so after years of creepy connections and random suprise meetings, i am not longer too suprised by the fact that this world is a small small place and you should really never write anyone out of your life completely, becase you never know when they may appear again in your life! here is last nights random meeting story:

josh nobles wrote mel and said he had some friends in bali and would we meet up with them and take them out so we agreed to meet up last night, with these two american girls. they were travelling in thailand where they met jason peck ( he was playing a softball tournament in bangkok) they are teachers from SD travelling in asia. so he invited them to singapore for thanksgiving and there they met josh ( or something like that) so they came here and we met up with them...nice girls, didnt stay out long bc they had a boat trip this am!
so anyways we met up with honey and her sister and skipped all over the place skygarden, mbargo ( yes jon at like midnight we went to mbargo and had jungle juice...) so at mbargo honey sees this guy she met the other night and goes over to say hi, while her sister tells us he is kinda yuck and points him out. yeah kinda yuck- he looks like a nicaraguan drug dealer straight from 1975- ron jeremy 'stache and feathery floppy hair and all...

so she comes back over and is like ugh that guy is a douche and we proceed to talk about him, while he comes in our direction and sits behind us ( wearing sun glasses - idiot!) so we are very obviously pointing and looking at him and he is just sitting there watching us with his friend so we decide to relocate ourselves to the other bar. at which point we decide we are also no longer interested in this topic and forget all about said johnny-depp-in-blow-wannabe-guy.

as we bar hop later on a pretty desperate 'we are going to have fun tonight' mission we end up at espresso bar ( dont ask me why, i will take the blame for the bounty run but i most certainly did not suggest this tiny little bar that is packed with 18 year old scrubbies and has a live band that has a lead singer who sings everything in the voice of a a crazy death metal head banger. its horrible) so there we are at this place and all of a sudden south-american-coke-dealer reeappears right in my face and goes I KNOW YOU!

yes imagine my surprise. but as i take a few moments and clear my head, shaking the smokey haze out of my face and trying to focus my eyes, which are currently swimming in jungle juice. after a few brief moments it starts to break the surface of my cloudy brain- i know him too! this farah-fawcett-feather-haired- man is someone i knew like four years ago in LA! so yeah- turns out that i know him ( he most certainly did NOT look like that then!) he is here for a couple weeks surfing and bumming around so we ended up hanging out with him (honey piercing him with dirty looks all night!) anyways that is my story of the small small world.

Thursday, December 4, 2008


if you are ever in a bathing suit store in bali and they offer you a free gift with your purchase, do not pick the sunscreen. i learned this the hard way-- its just lotion in a bottle that says "sunscreen" yeah i feel the burn!!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

frightening new discovery

so i have had a few different people comment on the 'face' on my tattoo but have never really taken them seriously ( slash i did not see what they were seeing so i was like, oh yeah, the face haha?!?)

but last night i saw it. and now i cannot stop seeing it. its staring at me!!!!!

we were at dinner at rio- that place has made a killing off us!!!- (chef recommendation) anyways- so nick was like hey is that a new tattoo ( mind you i have been living with him for over a month now and definately already had it when i first met him) so mel is like ummm nick hello- no that is not new! anyways, his comment is what drew attention to the tattoo and soon he was like oh man that face is weird- its like a fu man chu man on your wrist!!! so i was like uh what are you talking about?? then i saw it.......

ITS THE FACE OF AN OLD CHINESE GUY WITH A FU MAN CHU BEARD. no joke. then mel saw it. then the two danish guys saw it. so its official- please look again at the center of the flower and witness the face that now permanantly lives on my arm. mel thinks that the guy did it intentionally..i fully intend to return to the scene of the crime and interrogate until answers are given!!

so my beautiful orchid tattoo is now names FU!

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

hmm i dont think i can wear my shorts here....

So in the interest of keeping my VA arrival a secret, i had to de-blog for a while so that i wouldnt give aything away! so i kept this undercover blog in my email so that i could post everything after the cat was outta the bag!! so remember this is all in the past- these things have happened already...

took the airbus 380 ( singapore airlines new airplane, seats 800 passengers, has those insane suites and everything) it was amazing!! seriously incredible- i think all other flights will now forwever feel like rickety old sea planes in comparison! when you take off you barely feel like you are moving- there is no weird sounds you can hardly tell you are flying! when there is turbulence it is much more subdued because the thing is like a beast! they also fixed some of the interior things that i had always been bothered by- i.e. the video controller is now stored in the seat back in front of you, not in the side, where you knee always pokes it and makes your movie fast forward or stop or something!!!

best comment of the evening-- scene- me and a semi-tipsy shar head to change money
shar : ( pulling out five hundred sing dollars) so do you think we should get euros or pounds?
me: what?
shar: well i mean we are going to europe so wouldnt we get euros?
me: (looking incredulous- she must be joking right?) um- did you really just say that?
shar: what?
me: um should we get British pounds or euros? mom we are going to Britain!!!
( i asked her if it was ok to blog about this and obviously she didnt mind- but she has threatened to 'get me back' i should really tell her that its not necessary, i say plenty of dumb things every day of my life......i will get myself back:)

once in london- at 7 am- we checked into the hyatt regency ( churchill as the locals call it) and then we went out on the town! it was FREEZING. when i got to singapore on thursday night i had literally tank tops and some leggings....i packed in a bit of a tizzy - jon and nick and i really did it right on our last night and i didnt get round to packing until 2 30, when i grabbed a handful of things and shoved them in a bag small enough to fit on jons motorbike and we headed to the airport at three!!! i really had no idea what i had with me......#

it wasnt pretty. so shar whips out this bag of stuff that she has hijacked from the 80's and is like you can wear this stuff!! haha im not even kidding- bill cosby called- he wants his sweaters back!!!! yeah so i decided my only options were a) freeze to death quite literally b) tease my hair and don the hammer-time long underwears and call it 'retro' or c) go shopping. obcviously i chose c....

i spent all day friday hunting for a winter coat in singapore ( ironic i know\) but in fact they have tons! all the international stores carry the seasonal clothes so there was a lot of stuff but it was pricey! but after a six hour shopping trip, i arrived home with a gorgeous coat from mango, some sweaters and long sleeve tops ( thank you TF) a scarf and two pairs of boots. set me back savings wise , but im telling you, it kept me from losing my dignity! haha

so into london we go....walking all around oxford street, window shopping, losing feeling in our faces!! i had a starbucks!!!!! first in almost 8 weeks..i know....sooo good:) ( for those who dont know the funny part is that i am back off the coffee- i am just addicted to chai lattes from there!) we went to the british museum which is an absolutely amaxzing building!! i have some pics of it and also of my favorite room- it was like a hogwarts library with these incredible old antique books just thousands of them!

after the museum we went to a pub and had lunch a some pints- i just have to say i cannot stop camparing how pricey it is too live here- sorry, i mean SPENDY! i had a cheese toastie for lunch ( essentially toast, with cheese on it) and it was 5 pounds..... that is about 10 us dollars. i could have eaten at the arungs for ten days straight for the same price. whoa.

then we went to see our show - SPAMALOT! to be honest- the word would be disapointing!! the theater was really cool- it was small and cozy but the show was just blah....i didnt realize that they would literally take the movie (monty python's holy grail) and replicate the best skits on stage. its just like uhh i have seen that fifty times- it was funny, but you have just killed it. the only funny bit was at the very end when they got this french guy up on the stage and were ad-libbing for him. guys dont quit your day jobs. clay aiken i apologize- i thought you were the reason that show got closed but now i see that it just sucked!!

so then back to the hotel to try and keep ourselves awake until at least 9pm!! it was a struggle but we managed to watch some rugby, some ice skating , the x factor and some of this scandulous dancing program that everyone is talking about! then i was out:)

london day two... SNOW!!

today we woke up early- grey sky was looming ahead....we ordered tea and coffee from room service and just as the door clicked shut, i looked out the window to see SNOW!! i leaped out of bed and screamed ' its snowing' at which point shar hurdled over to the window and we both started jumping up and down and screaming 'its snowing its snowing!!!!' hahaha

we got so excited that we bundled up over our pjs and went out for a walk just to be in it!!! it was so nice- it has been a really long time ( years) since i have seen snow fall - i have seen snow a few times but never been in it while its falling and it was really cool:)

so then it was off to kent! some family friends from singapore live in leigh (pronounced LIE) , a village in Kent and we were going to go to lunch at a pub with them. so we took a cab to the train station ( a whopping 15 pounds- jesus. how do people live here??) then took the train out about thirty minutes to hildenburough (or something:)

went to their incredible english country side home and then to an old pub actually called 'leiceister arms' i swear- isnt that the name of something in 'little britain' ? it just sounds made up! haha

yummy lunch and some shandys and pints! nothing like drinking a sunday afternoon away:)

due to some pretty serious jetlag and shar's coming down with something we had quite an early night in the cozy hotel- me on my second rate cot and shar and steve snoring it up in their lush bed! haha;)

this is the picadilly line servicing cockfosters....

this is the picadilly line servicing cockfosters....

today was walk-tastic! we tubed and walked and tubed and walked all over this place! we have been beofer so the obligatory sights ahve already been seen so this time we were kinda just wandering about!

we went to leceister square, walked down regent street and had some fancy pants tea at fortnam and moson some shee shee department store where they sell cookies for like 50 pounds!

had my new favorite food- welsh rarebit- aka cheese on a crumpet...mmmmm..

walked walked walked- i feel really bad because shar is sick and i think she is trying to be a trooper and act better then she is- if i were her i would want to be curled up in that cozy hotel bed not trekking around in the freezing cold! i had to put a stop to it when it started to rain!! by the time dad got back we were both curled up in the bed and itwas only 5 o clock! when it gets dark at 4 that is really all there is left to do!!

dads work colleague had suggested a restaurant called michael moore ( still have no straight answer on whether there is some was one of those converted houses, made into a small cozy restuarant where the chef is the main event. it was really delish though- had some goat cheese tartine and seared tuna- good stuff! also drank a lot of wine and im pretty sure i came back to hotel ( when the'rents passed out at 9 pm) and started tipsy-emailing people...hahaoops:_)

then today more walking about- went to porotobello road and walked around oxford street some more ( had to get shar back to the hotel for some rest) i am in shoe paradise here- well maybe its actually more like hell considereing i cannot afford to buy any of them without putting a kidney on lay away! seriously if i lived here i would have to live in a box and keep warm with all my shoes piled on top of me!! at first i thought the shopping her ein general was killer but turns out most of the stores are the same and so i remain infatuated with the shoe scene alone. i did buy one pair- shar said she would get them for me for early xmas- grey suede ankle booties with about a four inch heel .....delicious.

had lebonese food for early dinner and then went off to WICKED!!! my fave! however turns out there are two appolo theaters- one in the west end and one in victoria ( aka not the west end at all) so we tube hopped (rushing already) to the west end theater only to see josh hartnetts face leering above us in the advert for rrain man or into a cab who literally flew us ( like that harry potter night bus thing) to victoria and we made it by the skin of our teeth!! it was great- we were like five rows back from the stage- you could see the spit from the actors mouths! hahah except the guy in front of me was a gian tbeast of a man and kept like rolling his colossal melon of a head around on his boulder sized shoulders and i couldnt see without sitting on both my feet and leaning forward! so we moved over into some empty seats and all was well:)

off to VA tomorrow for the suprise!!

one more blog worthy T-giving moment....

so we also like to play charades....we played on saturday night at my moms parents house ( known to us as grandma and grandpa snoopy) so the teams were ryan, cynthia, me devon and grandpa ( who counts as a half player really cus he doesnt really contribute!) against ally, mom, dad, mike ( my unlce) and angels ( his wife- now my aunt:)

normally we dance on the line of innapropriate- there are a few dirty ones but mostly tame , seeing as we are at the grandparents house! however this particular game of charades created one of the best real life 'meet the parents' moments ever....

not that cynthia ( ryans girlfriend) is new to our family in any way- she is more then used to morris humour and is a great sport about it. however, this game went from friendly to mortifying in a matter of two point two seconds- cynthia gets up, picks a paper ( we write out book titles, movies, people, etc and the other team picks from your pile) the look on her face alone can only be described as pure panic. she immediately flushed and stared at the paper for a long few seconds before bravely putting it down and beggining.... a few awkward moves led us to understand it was a movie with 6 words. we guessed a few of the small ones then she stood there- absoutely unsure of what to do next. so she gingerly crawled to her knees and layed down on the floor- for about two seconds before getting up and proclaiming that she just could not do it!! at this point devon managed to guess what it was: ZACK AND MIRI MAKE A PORNO. ( side note- mom and devon saw this movie together while she was visiting him in SD and lived to share with us a few preicelss gems of disgustingness that left all of us ( mainly dad) speechless!!

so cynthia is so embarassed she has to leave the room for a second to regain compsure, all the while my mom's team is LAUGHING HYSTERICALLY- her in particular. SHE wrote it!!! poor cynthia! i cannot imagine getting that one in front of my ( well, hypothetical) boyfriend's family! horrible shar. horrible!!!

some other thanksgiving 'traditions'....

my family has a habit of inventing our own games- we love to play cranium or balderdash or taboo but occasionally we feel bored with such common place activites and choose to embark on our own versions of family fun.... some of our memorable games of the past have been the historic 'disease game' , 'mosters in the pool' and ' fist in the mouth' a popular dinner time tryst!

this year we invented yet another winner- the scarf game. the scarf game began at grandma pats house, the night after thanksgiving, in her kitchen. allison was wearing her scarf wrapped around her neck and ryan commented that it would be easy for someone to walk up and strangle her with it. so ally said no- its easy to defend - you just shoot your hands up through the loop and push it over your head before the scarf tightens around your neck...make sense? ( probably not- im sensing this is one of those 'had to be theres' but it was too funny not too document- and seeing as i have pics i think it will be self-explanatory ...)

so they start challenging each other- basically the point being get the scarf off your head before the other person manages to choke you. yeah. haha so then of course we all want to try and next thing you know we are all peeing our pants with laughter as everyone tries to escape from the choke of their sibling or parent! haha we played it again at our other grandmas house and introduced it to our uncle and his wife. they have recently been married and she is from spain so they asked for pics for immigration to prove their wedding is 'legit' so i have some real winners for them to display some good old fashioned family bonding ( aka them trying to strangle each other!!) the best part was mom makes this choking noise to go along with it everytime without fail!!hahaha


for all of you seriously concerned followers ( aka fans in my mind;) hahaha i have not abandoned this blog....i was just involved in a top secret mission which prevented me from updating with current info without flat out lying so i had to hold off. plus i was expeceted to survive off dial up which was not happeneing!!

so the secret mission was to suprise the fam in VA for thanksiving and so i was with shar and steve in london last week but couldnt post any of my blogs so as to keep the suprise a suprise! so i did write blogs but didnt post them and as soon as i upload my pics ( working on it as i type!) i will post those too!

mission success- the fam was suprised!! devon said he epulled a muscle in his jaw when it hit the floor as he saw me walk out of the terminal with shar and steve! then we drove to my grandparents house and i hid in the trunk while everyone said their hellos- then steve sent ry and al over to get ' more stuff from the trunk' and i jumped out ! ally started crying, which of course made me cry ...haha grandma on the other hand was too busy being confused because she thought it was devon jumping out of the trunk but he was standing right next to her!!

grandpa let it slip over the phone to my other grandma, who burst into tears and insisted that it was best she find out that way instead of at the thanksgivng party because she would have been mad that she was a 'blubbering idiot' in front of everyone!

it was so incredible to be able to be with so much family for the holiday - i am genuinely blessed with the best parents for bringing me along with them on the trip!! family is very important to me and as the years go by and everyone gets older, i appreciate more and more these opportunities.

there was one moment that i witnessed that has stood out in my mind and really touched me. my aunt has married a man named curtis this past year, and last year curtis's family joined ours for thanksgiving, where we all met his incredible sweet parents, who were celebreating their 60 th anniversary ( i believe.. if not excaclty sixty it was UP THERE!)

this year curtis's mom passed away and percules, his father came to thanksgiving again with us. it was sad to know that last year they had been sitting there together telling stories and sharing their lives with us and now he sat alone. when my mom's parent arrived ( her dad is turning 89 this year) i watched as he walked over to percules to shake his hand. i heard him say quitely to him ' i am so sorry to hear about your wife' their hands lingered in a shake for a brief moment and percules said 'thank you. i miss her very much' then my grandfather said ' i have been married to this one ( gesturing at my grandmother) since 1948 and i just cannot imagine... ' and he trailed off. their words ended there but the understanding and shared compassion that i saw in that brief interlude was really touching. :)

ok on to picture uploading for london blogs!!

Monday, November 24, 2008

whoa its christmas?

so it has come to my attention that when you are away from the commercialization of holidays it is very easy to forget that they are upon us! halloween- well that came and went with barely any mention- we didnt even bother getting things together until 6 o clock the night of! when its not shoved in your face it is like every other day really....

in singapore the christmas decorations are already up. i was gaping open mouthed all the way down orchard that first morning- thinking what the hell have they got all this up for? then i realized its only about a month to christmas and i was hit by a wall of realization that i have NO idea where this year went! seems like it was just new years at nicks house playing beer pong and seeing fernando get smashed:)

so then with the realization that it is the 'holiday season' came the realization that this is the first christmas i have been single in a couple of years and well i kinda forgot how much that sucks!! for the rest of the year its pretty inconsequential- i am happy with my situation and really dont ever feel that lonely. but when it comes to this time of year, well it becomes downright depressing!! all these people out christmas shopping, couples on holidays, cuddling every where . blech. way to rub it in. all of a sudden you realize that being alone may be great most of the time but having someone at this particular time of year is almost worth being in a relationship- well- almost....maybe i should just try and find a 'christmas boyfriend' we will be together for the months of november until the end of january- just to get through all this crap without having to feel so monumentally sad that you have to drink hot chocolate alone while you do your shopping and fear that one day you will indeed be the living incarnation of bridget jones on christmas eve with the bottle of vodka singing celine dion in your footie pajamas!!!

note- for christmas this means i do NOT want any kind of pajamas- they will only further fuel the fear that my life is steadily heading into thirties alone-ness...bottles of vodka are always welcome:)

Saturday, November 22, 2008

what they say is not in fact true....

in singapore for visa stu ff so advanced apologies for the dullness of my subsequent blogs....but i wouldnt want to leave my four followers high and dry and i am aware of how important it is for me to feed them daily with lacivious and juicy stories so i will try not to disapoint:)

jon told me that he read/saw some sudy that singaporeans were the fastest walkers in the world. ummmmm what??? i was thinking about that yesterday as i fought my way desperately through the throngs of SLOW ASS people every where i went. no joke it took me like twenty mintues to get from the MRT station to wisma atria...yeah- they are connected. they must have timed an expat who was on a mission to fight through these crowds and was walking like i was yessterday- with a purpose!!

mel and i went out for a drink thursday night- true to our bali habits we didnt leave the house until midnight, however thi s not being kuta, it was a little late!! we went to clark quay and it was pretty busy but i swear the culture shock of being back around things like that was showing on my face !! i felt like i was in a daze a little bit- everything was moving so fast, there was so much lights and people and whoa it was sensory overload! haha

mel and i were giddy at the thought of getting back there and we were disapointed with the scene at CQ- mainly beuycase we are so addicted to the dsigustingness of kuta. we are well aware of our problem!

but i also realized it is very easy to slip back into life wherever you are. by the next morning i was up and shopping the island- going to the club with dad, MRT'ing all over the place ( cabs are RIDICULOUS now - my taxi from the airport was 5o bucks....)

more later:)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Go team!

it is a testament to my state over the last few days that i have not blogged since sunday or something!! let me give you a recap of them events that have transpired...those that i can remember anyways!

the last few days - before i left for singapore - were ragers. monday = out tuesday= out and wednesday yes again = out. and im pretty sure i saw the sun rise all three mornings. needless to say during the days i had a massage/died on the beach so nothing to report there:)

some highlights:

monday night- hmmm hard to remember...

tuesday night- where did we go? oh but our helmets got stolen! yeah that would be the second helmet i have had stolen in my six weeks in bali! this time it was off jons bike on legian in kuta....we stumbled out of embargo to find that not only had our helmets been taken but every helmet of of every bike on the whole street was gone! i suppose that is what they dispatch those little begging children to do when there are not that money people wandering the streets!! oh yes ythis was the night i found myself in a bizzare triangle, well more like the abba 'square' of dramas!! kinda funny though- involving girlfriends, americans and a crazy scotsmen. these events led us to really realize how small this island is ....

wednesday night- my last night with jon! we went for a nice dinner at ku de ta before inventing a new card game that we have named SLAPS...we also tried to play 500 with two was not a good time- it was too muhc of an emotional roller coaster - you either won or lost real bad!haha then back out where we found honey - a wasted wasted honey in her typical glory ( sweaty mess, surrounded by men and doing her 'im-dancing-with-you-kinda-while-faliling-my-limbs-out-and--grabbing-other-people' moves! she is great:) we kinda formed a litte crew of people including me jon and nick, the american surfer, the old scotsmen, a guy with lusciously long blonde hair named shanti, honey, her sister and the two latinso guys obsessed with honey. jon actually almost got in a fight with one of them- defeneding long-haired hippy man. can you say REAL WORLD BALI?

there was way too much jungle juice involved that night and i had to pack the next day and make my way to the airport. i am suffering from some major PKDS right now- sitting in singapore with my parents watching the daily show on my dads computer- uh wasnt i just here, doing exactly this?? i am achey, sweaty, reeking of booze and somehow i still want to go out- what is wrong with me- am i sick?? i feel like an addict who has just had their crack pipe taken away- im desperate to scratch my itch......its disgusting. but as jon and i discovered last night at dinner, all good things must come to an end and six weeks of this partying has taken its has to end sometime and we had a good run:) ok ok ok i do not have the will power and will probably continue my ways through to christmas and will come back in february with a renewed purpose- or just a purpose in general would be good;)

in singapore tonight- supposed to hang with mel and her work crew - i have a feeling that i will have lunchbag- singapore going out scene is SO much different then bali! i like both though- but like i said im like a crazed addict who knows that their vice is the worst thing in the world but feeding it has become some sort of ferocious creature of its own....i must do it. PKDS.

as for jon- well im deeply saddened that our time has come to an end...however i have to pat myself on the back becuase jon has told me that i passed the test and that he would live with me again! WOOT! looks like all my attempts at being a horrid roomate have gone unnoticed and i am back in the game:) i mean who could resist- he got to see my butt every morning when he woke up and i had the sheets kicked off because it is like a sauna in our room! how charming am i? haha then there was the infamous 'cigerette incident' where i left him alone in embargo, the drive home from dhyana pura where i bit him and the time that i almost got us killed on poppies! ah roomie i will miss you:) global will just not be the same, everytime i have a juice and a sandwich i will feel a twinge of sadness that you are not there to get the mixed juice and tuna. who will i go to pleo with and say 'towel' ? who will be my beach boyfriend ( JUST FRIENDS DAMMNIT!) ? who will accidentally chop cake in the upstairs bathroom right before i need to brush my teeth? outdoor warung will never be the same- in fact i just dont know if i can go there anymore. but they have the best tempeh....hmmm....who will watch white guys fall 'in love at first sight' with ho hos and make fun of the ridiculous dancing that goes on in the sausage fest that is sky garden? i am already feeling very lost with out you...

ps i saw the real than last night- REAL drunk! he was a sweaty slobbering mess and in his stupor he was blabbing on to me about how he has 'yellow fever' and will never be able to go back to white women ( thank GOD for all of us!!!!) he slurred a bunch of nonsense to me and the next time i saw him he was knee deep in ho ho ...

so you will be missed:)

wednesday night-

Sunday, November 16, 2008

i forgot...

i forgot to mention that we saw the ten year old model at the beach yesterdaY!!!!!! hahaha its only crazy because we were at a beach that is farther out and not like the common beach that peopl would go too! but there she was prancing around in all her model-ness! mel and i waved at her and at first she looked apprehensive- then mel said 'you are a model arent you?' and she flashed the biggest grin and i swear did a runway pose and nodded! then galloped off-- half way up the stairs she looked back and realized who we were and she squeeled like a true ten year old "HIIIIIIIIII" it was too cute....

we also saw a recently married couple taking pics and videos of them on the beach....they were wearing all white and playing in the sand and frolicking about in the water....we thought it was so cute until we noticed the guy had a huge rip in his pants and we kept getting flashed bits and pieces.......ewwwwwww eventually they fell over fully into the water ( a small mishap while attempting some sort of running jump hug thing...) so then both were in all white and were all wet...yeah you can imagine! kinda like nick in his white linen pants with no underwear post-pool incident!!!!

weekend update...without tina fey or amy poehler.

first things first- i just witnessed a fight!! of all places ( considering the amount of time spent in the bars/clubs of kuta!) it was in the internet cafe that we go to!! i dont know what it was about because i dont speak bloody french, but i saw a guy walking towards me and hear another one yelling stuff at him then i see the other person run up behind him and whip him around and HEAD BUTT hIM! they started like full on brawling and three other foreign guys jumped up an ran over to pull them apart right before they went over the ledge of the balcony to the meat store below!!!!! imprtant side note- they were old. second important side not- within five minutes they were hugging it out....what the hell????

so saturday was a bust in my opinion- and i know that i should learn to love being a lone blah blah, but still- its like whenever you want to be alone ( which i do actually want a lot of the time!!) there are always people around and you cannot get it. but when you are not in the mood to stew around in your own head, that is innevitably when everyone you know falls off... miraculously i wasnt faced with hangover death on saturday and actually felt quite good and ready to do something fun saturday- last saturday night with me and jon and mel all being here together!!

but mel had had to work saturday and that kinda killed her so she fell asleep at nine pm. yeah nine. jon was going on a date and insisted that we would meet up after and nick was also on a date. ( notice that i did not put 'date' because these were actually dates, without the need for mockery or 'supposed' inclinations.) so i waited. in my bored waiting i txtd/called everyone on i know ( well in the same time zone at leasT!) desperate for something to do- even someone to talk to for like five minutes. and literally NOTHING. everyone i know ignored me. shady business ( ps its not like i know a lot of people!!)

so yeah, at like 12 30 jon lets me know that meeeting up will not be happening * yeah no kidding* so after reading almost my whole book i sourly went to bed. dont get me wrong, being alone can be nice and sometimes staying at home on a saturday night is physically so attractive it hurts but not that night. that night i felt scorned and lonely....booo....

but i woke up sunday feeling much better and it was actually a fantastic day! we drove down to uluwatu- the surfers paradise beach. we had meant to go to balangan which is apparently three beaches before, but we were with jay and zando and they were a litttle confused! so we ended up scoping out dreamland, which i am infatuated with. punch me cus i didnt bring my camera. but mel did so i can get some pics from her! in the meantime i am going to cheat and include some i found on the internet just to show how amazing this place is!! hey at least im honest about it;)

we drove b ack down to balangan which was so relaxing ( nice not to be hassled to buy sarongs and t shirts and other wooden items of little use!) the sand was white down there, but really coarse, like completely coral. the water was warm and the waves were small but the bottom was rock-like coral, mossy and slippery and covered in unideintifiable creatures!! so we had fun freaking eachother out and trying to stay in low crouched positions without drowning or stepping on the slimy rocks!

that was the furthest i have gone on my motorbike alone- just have to mention that i will forever want to be on a motorbike. its the best. and my scar is looking beautiful:)

also like to point out that on the beach there was a shack selling food and we had soup and banana pancakes and i ate some and liked it. yeah. LIKED IT!:)

on our way home we stopped at double six beach for the fire and drum show but the impeding rain had scared off most of the ddrummers. but jay and moon and everyone were down there playing fire so we bought beers and sat on the beach watching the sun do down and the fire twirling! i made a video of mel...idk if it will work on here but i will try- oh wait no its on my phone...hmmm i will work on that!

we also all went for a night swim - which normally is like pure terror to me- especially last night since the moon was virutally non existant hiding behind clouds so the water was pitch black and melted back into the horizon, seamlessly creating a velvety dark vastness. the only thing you could see was the crests of the waves as they broke, but you couldnt see anything until the wave was upon you and crshing!! but i sukced it up and made myself do it and it was amazing!!! oh yeah- the other beacon of light was jons naked white butt...he took off his underwear and was body surfing in the buff- he kept trying to aim for people and we would scramble away terrified of having his uncle dick and the twins too close for comfort!!

more fire and a late dinner later we all said goodbye to jay ( off to india today for a while) and made it home around 1 or so. one of those days that you just can stop thanking someone for making possible:)

Friday, November 14, 2008


do to the recent backlash from a certain someone, i am being forced to make mention of last nights events....apparently my blog is also being used as someones personal journal ( they are just too lazy to record things on their own and enjoy reading about their escapades on my blog...)

so jon has taken a new stance on nights out and it is a sober one. hmmm... however- last night he managed to pull three numbers!! and real girls- not ho hos!!

for the rest of us it was long island night- due to the shortage of actual drinkable alcohol, the pickings are slim. and not everywhere has arak so we had to be flexible;) i did however find out from our particularly chesticle-like waiter at dinner that the alcohol shortages happen before big hindu ceremonies or holidays and this week was the full moon and that was a huge deal for them....
anyways, last night was the most packeed i have seen sky garden- meg it was nuts!!!! we went to some 'model' party on dyana pura first- it was lame but there was a great DJ so me and mel and honey just danced and danced. we met this ten year old indonesian model who was teaching us how to catwalk. she was stunning but soooo going to be a trainwreck by the time she is 16!! i am including a photo becuase she was redick! sucks when the most beutiful girl in the bar is a ten year old...puts us to shame!! haha

so then to kuta after the torrential downpour ( thet kept us at the 'model' party for way too long!!!) ocean beach ( sucked but it rained again:) saw our bounder friends again- one of them told me that he has a 'thing' for me. he literally said that in his broken english i was like- er- thanks, but you have a ponytail that is longer then mine and your chesticles are too big!

jon however did well- got three numbers last night and today is carrying around a dictionary ( making out in indonesian is the name) and is using it to translate all the texts he is receiving from his recently aquiried women!!

off for a did life get this good??


as promised i will be blogging about 'feelings' not 'the amazing funnies that were last night....' ok well i might have to mention things but i swear it willbe what is just coming out it is not intentional. im trying to please the grandparents. i need to secure that inheritance;) yeah ryan- i will be getting SOME of it! haha all your efforts are wasted.....

ok so today i am going to discuss the enigma that is people- seriously. i will never understand them. there is a serious range of random and weird people here- when you visit you dont really see it because i think they hide out in places that are not to be found on poppies or pantai kuta. although those people continue to confuse me as well. i love people, dont get me wrong. in fact my desire to be around new and different people is one of the driving factors for why i am here- what i remember most about that time i was in bali - summer after graduating high school-is that i was totally enthralled by the amount of people there were to meet and i- being trusting and a little tooo much sometimes, i love talking to people. i like to make connections and as those who know me best will confirm i have a habit of connecting to those who are very far away from me. but what can i say- its not about where you live its about what is shared between two people and that can exist on so many different levels. there are people you meet who you know will have an impact on your life- its weird how you can physically feel the difference- knowing that someone is going to continue to be part of your life and knowing that someone is going to have no real impact are very clear and decise feelings.

i like both- i love to have a night talking to someone random, feeling a connection that you know will only last for the duration of the conversation. when you run out of things to say ( or the jungle juice runs dry;) you know that is it. but you are ok and you move on because that person contributed what they were supposed to and that is enough. but other people you cannot seem to let go, no matter how resistant life may be to allowing the connection to continue.

(insert- diet coke is saving my life right now....i know it is also simultaneously rotting away my precious teeth, but still, i could care less at the moment;)

so as for people, like i was saying, as much as you may feel you can discern just through intuition and perception, they are the most confusing bunch. i swear i will never get it. i am throwing in the towel and surrendering- i will forever be confused by people and their actions. not writing myself out of the equation- i realize i most likely can be very confsuing myself- but at least I always understand my intentions:)as for others, perhaps i will lower my expectations and stop making assumptions. i swear i am trying to be as open minded and accepting as possible but isnt it ok to know what you want and what you like and to be discerning about who you let in? i know that judging people is bad, but i have also learned from a very dear friend, that sometimes letting any and everyone in can blow up in your face. seriously certain friend- i will never fall victim to your ways.....SS for life though;)

Horrifying ( but Hilraious) update....

So i just talked to shar ( aka my mom) and she has informed me of some interesting news...

while in the states recently she decided to give my grandparents ( the ones who still think bush should be president) my blog address. note- i specifically aknowledged the fact that my grandparents do not have a computer, nor internet access, so i did not have to worry about the shock that this blog may cause them.

however, after my mom talking about how good it was and how interesting blah ( this was , as she said, in the early days where i discussed more 'feelings' ) so naturally, as according to murphys law- my grandparents up and decided to make a trip to the library, where they no doubt had some poor exasperated librarian trying to show them how to use the computer.

upon log in, they were greeted with the latest sstory of my debaucherous night out. although i still maintain that my stories can be relatively 'grandparent friendly' BUT they did also happen to notice the pictures of my 'followers'. for those of you who may not have scoped this out, rishi is a 'follower' and his pic is of him in a giant penis costume.

so of course he goes to tell my mom that my blog has a dick on it. he is less then thrilled. he said my grandmother didnt know what it was and she was trying to figure it out and he had to tell her it was a 'dick'. needless to say i do not think they will be returning to this site......ahahahahahha

as for shar's comment on my recent posts being to much about partying, i will try to incorporate more 'feelings' back into it, i just thought i was boring people!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

apparently I am Emo....

GOOD NEws! Mel and I have found a new place to live!!! not that i dont have lots of love for shitbox number 24, and that i am not going to miss the bat cave, no privacy and a maid who washed my cloths without soap..... i will indeed miss all those things, as well as the mattress on the floor, the sand EVERYWHERE and the cat that is in constant heat!!

i will indeed miss jon but he is taking off and not coming back for sure so until then mel and i decided that we wanted to have something a little more homey this woman, linda, is friends with the people who own the house we are in now and she stopped in one day under the pretense of saying hi but we knew she was 'checking in' on the house to see if it was still standing and who was living there, etc.

so linda turns out to be really nice- an australian clothing designer who spent most of her time on the west coast of north america. she is kinda quiet and admittedly a recluse and likes to just do her work and watch movies in her room at night. so she has a house that she has paid for for the year and her two roomates have moved out so yesterday mel and i went to check it out and its amazing!

the house is quite big, there is her work space, a kitchen and living room with all these pillows and alow table, a pool and a bedroom downstairs. upstairs will pretty much be me and mels area, two bedrooms plus a little alcove that we are going to make into a hang out/office area with some sort of 'bed' so that people can stay over. the house is fully ffurnished- the beds are NOT on the floor!!!!! my room is smaller and has no AC but i am going to be paying less- she is also letting us pay month to month which is so great because it means there are no comittments for anyone. so if it doesnt work out for wahtever reason we can find a new place, and i wont have to give a whole bunch of money upfront so much better:)

KP if you are reading this- and you better be because you are slacking--thanks for reassuring my belief in people this morning:)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

"ice skating" in bali

the other day we decided to go find this 'movie theater' yeah there is only one! so we found it and they only have one enlglish movie and one bahasa movie at at time and currently it was the new james bond. but sold out. like hours in advance. so now we are at this mall and mel says they have ice skating, but she heard there is a height limit, like just for kids. but we wanted to see anyways!

in the middle of the mall there is thie tiny little rink- we go inside, thinking hey at least it will be cold in not only is it not cold, b ut virtually its the same temperature as outside...hmm... first of all the skates were like serious ankle breakers...they were plastic and hot pink and totally didnt lace up properly or have any sort of support. upon further inspection we noticed that they didnt have blades really either....the ice looked dirty and really scraped up and smelled funny....we looked closer...

the 'ice' was wax. yeah. it was a floor covered in wax that they were skating on. no wonder it wasnt cold!!! a few pics...dont know if they demonstrate how ridiculously funny this was. however they did indeed even having a person dressed up in a giant animal costume 'dancing' on the 'ice'. classic.

steak and nudity anyone?

So yesterday i was pretty much a waste of space...along with jon... i wrote a whole blog post about how annoying and nasty my morning was but in true fashion of 'when it rains in pours', my blog post got erased somehow so i decided to say NM on that...

today is better- we fought off the urge to go out AgAIn last night and i was asleep in the princess bed by ten pm... watching the wendall baker story-- worst movie ever jon. seriously though- not funny, not interesting, not anything. boo on your movies choices!

i do have some pics to put up of the other night- my favorite being of the hairy looking guy dancing with jon behind him...i saw that and was like uhMMMM? who is that?? haha apparently he was dancing it up with us on the Mbargo stage ...i dont recall. things got blurry after bounty and then they come back into focus with me and jon almost dying down poppies as we were 'looking for another bar'????? what?? haha so yeah instead we found mcdonalds and i ate the best cheeseburger of my life. not really. it tasted like pickles and we were surrounded by some of the most obnoxious drunk aussies ever. but still. without it i think i would have fallen off the back of jons bike ( he told me to just bike his shoulder and hold on!) hahah

we ate at rio again last night...i actually had red meat- been a long time- and it was uhmazing. mel said she was sso full she wished she wasnt wearing leggings becuase they were cutting into her stomach and then she said she just wanted to eat her steak naked. jon pointed out that most men would probaly not object to a girl wanting to eat a steak naked and hence a new fetish was born....

today mel and i went to see a house.....guess what same house i have seen four times now! seirously, all these different people we know keep taking us to this sammmmmme house!!!! there is nothing really wrong with it its just kinda a little much for what it is- no furniture and that is just an additional headache to take on so i feel like if it is going to have no furniutre it better be pretty cheap! so still on the hunt.....

Monday, November 10, 2008


to those of you who have asked for some censorship it is unfair to be now asking for more know who you are! trust me- some things should remain un-blogged!!

last night nick and i went to dinner - we wanted to check out a new place so we scoped out the italian places on oberoi and picked one based on the number of good looking people there were sitting in each one! haha- apparently this amazingly pretty italian girl is how we cemented the final decision to go to trattoria...

so seated amongst the 'good looking people' we had a lovely dinner actually-- that is, until a little inch worm/slug thing crawled out of the 'salad' on nicks plate...i say it like that because it was literally shredded lettuce, browning and everything, accompanying his random meal of over cooked french fries and some pork was weird looking to say the least but when the bug climbed up out of it he was like yeaaaaaah that is it for me! haha

i have to give them credit though- this place actually cared about the problem- the waitress whipped it away so fast, apologizing and saying let me get you something else, something else. then the manager came over ( really sweet italian lady) and felt awful about it and she recomended something else for him to have ( some kinda pasta)

the next most exciing pat of the dinner was when nick , talking about his ex- girfriends inability to, uh, have the big 'o', the people at the table behind us started cracking up....nick is loud- for those of you who dont know- his nickname is now TM (tm) for talking machine and he sometimes forets that there are other people in the close vicinity. needless to say he did not phrase it the way i did- instead he was like " well after being with a girl for 13 years who never had an orgasm......) yeah. these people wer dying and i swear, if nick could blush he would have been flaming!!! what i also realized at dinner last night...we need to find nick a girlfriend like stat- he was just checking out every single female that walked by...examining their walks, commenting on their clothes, their bodies their faces. i mean i know that guys are shallow and materialistic but he was like outta control last night!!

i gotta say though- we have definately discovered that bali is full of guys. its not that there are not fantastically beautiful women, but we only see them on the street or at the beach- and they are 9 times outta ten, with their BF's or husbands or something. nevertheless, there are rearely any good looking women out in the bars ( that are not prostitues i mean) well, hookers, or 18 year olds that are smashed outta their heads. so yeah i mean the selection is kinda tough. the problem too is that the bars in our areas are kinda an older crowd- like not the sexy older, the older older. haha. granted we have only scoped the like a few minutes one time and i would b e willing to try again! so yeah, for the guys, there are not so many 'normal' girls to pick from- saturday night was like the most ridiculous i have ever seen it. Mbargo was virtually all dudes and hookers ( and me mel and honey- the only non-hooker women that were there!!) we went for like two seconds, found the swiss doctors from the night before and went back to skygarden- where while more empty, had a far better vibe!

sad news- time is going to quickly!! i have to leave on the 20th for visa stuff and then when i come back jon will be gone......v sad day that will be. although i annoy the crap out of him and most of the time i think he hates me, i will miss singing on the back of his bike and wondering to bounty to take shots of arak. and who will i get ignored by in the morning when i wake up? who will sit across from me at global and not talk to me for two hours?? most importantly who will be mean to me during 500??? ah im going to miss him. here's to jon getting rich and coming back in january:)

Sunday, November 9, 2008


it seems there are more and more things that i am being asked " not to blog" about so now im struggling to find interesting stories to tell! haha lots of weird business went on this weekend that i cannot discuss on this forum ....

lets just say the energy or 'vibe' of the little group we have assembled here is crackling with juiciness!!!

i dont have any new info to share other then that, however, i do have to say that this weekend i really decided that i love my life here. while everyday i miss people who i no longer have with me, i am incredibly happy here and i love where i am. i love that i get to tell people i am a writer when the questions 'what do you do?' comes up and for the first time ever i get to say something back that i am proud of! its actually interesting:) i love meeting so many new people- every day or night we encounter new people and have new experiences. while it must sound like we arent doing a whole lot, to me it is what i was looking for and i feel content right now. its not a vacation for us over here, its life, it just happens to be a spectacularly easy going one:) i realized something this weekend while helping deal with some of the 'things' that happened, and that is for the first time, like ever, (haha) i am not involved in any drama. i have tied up my loose ends and am moving forward with things and that no longer scares me or makes me feel sad. there are things in your life that are not meant to be and the only way to truley live without regret is to accept and move on when you are given the chance. the changes may be subtle and its weird that it is true- one day you just wake up and the hurting and the confusion are gone. i dont feel lonely anymore, but rather excited to have so many opporunities to create new friendships and connect with people. one thing-- we have to find a new house!! while i love shitbox , the more friends we make, the more ridiculous it is to have them come to your house with a disclaimer -- pembantu room or bat cave??

Friday, November 7, 2008

bat girl strikes....

mel thinks i should rename the blog - partying in kuta. haha i told her though if i blogged about what i do during the day ( work,, massage, beach) it wouldnt be very interesting and it seems that no one seemed to care to comment on my 'feelings' posts so i am sticking to entertaining the masses with tales of ridiculous nights out! and god we have been having them a lot ....

nicks bday- we found an amazing restaurant actually- he wanted steak so we went to this place called RIO - we were laughing cus evereything on the menu had "chef's recommendation' after it....literally everything! but turns out we all scraped our plates clean...jon was eating th parsley and my salad scraps just so he could wipe it acorss his plate an nick ate my tomato center that i left...yeah. great food- horrible horrible band that consisted of two dudes and a keyboard- it was like watching ross in that friends episode where he plays his 'music' . the power went out twice ( seems this is something to get used to during rainy season) its funny cus no one even seems to flinch, just going on with their dinner! at least it wasnt hot like manekepis.. we went there the other night and it was hot as hell to start with - ac broken and the fan was missing us by a fraction. the power went out at the end of dinner and we just about lost it - seriously we were bathed in sweat and even our waitress ( who up until this point had done her best to virtually ignore us) came over to light another candle and looked straight at us with a deadpan look and said " its like hell" . hahahahaha amazing

so after dinner we went home and surpised nick with his ice cream cake- he was so excited! played some 500 hundred to warm up while toasting our vodka-guava-sodas...mmm we heard the thunder rolling in and decided to beat the rain and head into kuta....went to ocean beach ahwere damian saint- former resident DJ at MOS in singapore was spinning. somehow we got up into the DJ booth and were dancing with some frenchies ( gay ones apparently who had an affinitiy for a move we now call the Squat Thrust) everyone kinda disperesed on difeerent missions but i stayed in the booth and got a lesson on spinning- the guy was relly nice and was like talking me through everything he was doing which was awesome. so yeah....from my perch i watched nick get thrown into the pool ( wearing white linen pants with no underwear -- yeah-- strangly he had packed extra clothes in his bike so saved us all a 'show')

from ocean beach we went to skygarden but it was not that great- a lotta dudes, old kinda, no cute ones and manya whore. so off to mbargo once again. we hava a new favorite way to drink in mbargo that allows for maximum danceage and mobility- buying a jungle juice and getting a shot glass-- this way you can pour shots into your mouth while dancing -- also a good way to make friends ( see "jon closes down Mbargo with a drunk aussie guy" later in the blog)

made friends with some guys from switzerland, then one of them usurped the 'girl' that jon was chatting up ( i dont know why they bother- its not like he is going to pay for it in the end?!) the other guy's last name was Kaelin!! so in the event that i marry him, i will be kaelen kaelin, so we would have to hyphenate to kaelen morris kaelin. haha

while mel will insist that it did not happen this way, she suggested we go to la vida loca ( the 'whorerible' bar on double six from wed night....we kinda got seperated around againa nd by thte time i got to double six there was only jon and our swiss friend! mel aparently never showed up ... so yet another sun rise is watched from the sands of double six beach- although this morning we could accosted by kids and women begging for money- one of them actually told me she hated me and i should never comeb ack to bali. yeah what a sweety.

so alas no trip to lovina this am- we all slept quite late and have been somewhat retarded all day! jay has a big show tonight that he choroegraphed so *sigh* loooks like we are headed out again! the only prob is that the show starts at 8 50.....and just cus we go out early we would like to think that means we will go home early. but i have a feeling it doesnt work likt that!!

ps i love my life!